Rohini Bajekal, Nutritionist, Plant-Based Health Professionals UK

Rohini Bajekal is a nutritionist (MA Oxon, MSc Nutrition and Food Sciences, Dip IBLM) and a Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional. She is based in London where she provides evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle advice to her clients and has previously worked in India and Singapore.

Rohini is a Board Member and Head of Communications at Plant-Based Health Professionals UK - an organisation that educates health professionals, members of the public and policy makers on the benefits of whole food plant-based nutrition in preventing and treating chronic disease. A keen recipe developer, Rohini is passionate about making delicious, affordable and nourishing plant-based meals. She is a Cookery Teacher at Made in Hackney, the UK's only eco-community cookery school and charity.

As a women's health advocate, Rohini is Brand Manager for Women for Women’s Health (WfWh), a voluntary service set up to empower women of all ages to make lifestyle choices that will help improve their own health as well as that of their families. Find out more about Rohini and her work at or follow her on Instagram for daily tips. You can also reach her via email at