Karla Arancibia, MD, MPH

Karla is a co-founder of the Latin American Lifestyle Medicine Association, co-founder of Lifestyle Medicine Clinics, founder of Healthview Lifestyle Institute, professor at the Ricardo Palma University in the first accredited specialty in Lifestyle Medicine in Latin America for physicians and health professionals, where she is director of the culinary medicine workshops. She is also co-author of the university textbook Principles of Lifestyle Medicine: The New Global Discipline. 

Karla has a master's degree in Public Health with a focus on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention from Florida International University and completed her clinical research fellowship at Cleveland Clinic. She was president of the South Florida chapter of the Peruvian American Medical Society (2016-2019). She is a health and wellness coach and culinary coach and has been a speaker in several international symposiums, radio and television in Latin America.